Jenna’s Middle School Washington D.C. Trip

Jenna spent 4 days and 3 nights touring Washington D.C. with her 8th grade class.  Her group’s first stop was at Mount Vernon.

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We were able to monitor her trip through her school’s twitter account.  Jenna, however, made an effort to avoid being in a photo whenever she saw a chaperone with a camera.  She did eventually give in and let her picture get taken.  She’s hard to see in this one on the bus.  She’s on the left towards the back by the window.



Visiting the White House:

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The Lincoln Memorial:

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The Jefferson Memorial:

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The eternal flame at the JFK Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery:



The Smithsonian:

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Enjoying some downtime with her friends:


Making a stop at Gettysburg National Park on the trip home:

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White Castle

We scored one free slider for every goal the Columbus Crew scored at last night’s game.  Since we actually had 6 tickets, we got a total of 12 sliders.  The girls always like playing with the slider packages after we empty them.

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Columbus Crew Game

Having fun at a Columbus Crew Soccer game:

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Alyssa and Dana met Frankie Hejduk – a retired Crew player who is now the club’s Brand Ambassador.   Alyssa said he seemed like a surfer.  Dana thought he was drunk.  Apparently he was looking for someone to give him some popcorn.


Alyssa and Megan posing with Crew Cat:


The girls getting the autograph of one of the players after the game:

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Bike Ride

Back in late September, we took advantage of the nice weather (and Megan being at a birthday party) to go on a bike ride.  We rode the entire 12.2 mile Hilliard Heritage Trail roundtrip.

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