The Empire Strikes Back

Some of the questions Megan asked me while watching “The Empire Strikes Back”:

“Are those things (Tauntauns) still alive, or are they all extinct?”


“Is that (The Wampa) the same snow monster (Abominable) from Rudolph?”


“How could Luke not even know who his dad is?”


“Would you rather have a robot hand, or no hand? I would rather have no hand.”


COSI After Dark

Last Friday, OSU faculty, staff, and students got to visit COSI from 7 p.m. to midnight for free. Jenna had a girl scout meeting, so we didn’t get there until 8:30. By around 11:30, we were exhausted, and called it a night.

Here. Alyssa and Megan are standing by a dragon made out of Legos.


One of our favorite exhibits has always been Ocean, because who doesn’t like to play with water?


Megan on a space shuttle toilet:


Now Alyssa’s turn (notice the seat belt – a necessity when there isn’t gravity)


The 120th anniversary of Cracker Jacks Display:


Having fun in the Life exhibit:


Playing the bodily sounds organ:


Where’s Yoda?


The other day while I was flipping through the channels, I came across “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. Alyssa got really interested in it, so I thought it would be fun to watch “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” for a movie night. I picked that movie because I thought the kids would like all of the action scenes. I forgot about how much darker that movie was than the others, and how much more violent, as well. Alyssa and Megan enjoyed the movie. Jenna said that all of the chase scenes went on too long, and she lost interest. The next night, Alyssa wanted to see another movie, so I chose “Star Wars”. I told the kids that the actor who played Indiana Jones is the same guy who is playing Han Solo. We had to watch the movie in two halves, because it was a school night. On the second night, the kids were anxious to see the second half, but then when it ended were disappointed that Yoda wasn’t in it. If that isn’t an excuse to watch “The Empire Strikes Back”, I don’t know what is.

So Long, Chili

Alyssa volunteered to take care of her classroom’s pet tarantula during winter break. His name is Chili, and really doesn’t do a whole lot. For the two weeks that we had him, he moved a total of 3 inches, and that was only when he was provoked. The 2 crickets that came in the aquarium with him were really in no danger at all of being eaten. In fact, they left with him when school started back up. All we did was give him fresh water every couple of days. A pretty boring pet. Anyway, so long, Chili.


OSU Basketball Game

Alyssa has been asking to go to an OSU basketball game for a while now. The final non-conference home game of the season was last Saturday, so I figured that would be our best bet at finding tickets. Megan, being the homebody that she is, decided that she didn’t want to go, which meant that either Dana or I wouldn’t be going either. If we had forced her to go, none of us would have had a good time. Dana decided to stay home with Megan, so that Jenna, Alyssa, and I could enjoy the game. Our seats were in the nosebleeds, and the game wasn’t even close from the start, but the girls had a great time nonetheless. The vouchers we received for free McDonald’s medium fries on our way out because the Buckeyes scored at least 70 points were icing on the cake.


New Year’s Eve

We spent New Year’s Eve the same as we do every year; Dinner at Hometown Buffet (which the kids love), followed by watching various old home movies as we wait for the ball to drop on Time’s Square. This year no one had trouble making it past midnight. The girls’ sleeping schedule is so out of whack since being on winter break. It is going to be nearly impossible to get them up tomorrow morning to go back to school.


As you can see, no signs of exhaustion.
