Buckeyes Basketball Game

I won two tickets for the Buckeyes first basketball game of the season.  It was at noon on a Saturday when Jenna was at a Bat Mitzvah, and I was picking up Alyssa from Deer Creek so that she could attend a birthday party in Newark.  That left Dana and Megan as the only two free to go.  Megan wasn’t thrilled about it, but Dana really wanted to go, at least for just a little while.  Once they got to their seats (which were pretty good), Megan actually had a good time.  She enjoyed watching the cheerleaders, and the rowdy students in the student section.  She also liked to watch the shot clock as it came close to expiring.  They ended up staying for the whole game, and even getting vouchers for a free Big Mac since the Buckeyes scored over 70 points.  Not as good as getting a free LaRosas pizza at the Reds game, but still not bad.


Megan holding the ball she got from one of the cheerleaders thrown at halftime:


Megan insisted on getting her pictures taken by the elevator door.


One comment on “Buckeyes Basketball Game

  1. Grandma Anderson says:

    Winning something again…you all are so lucky

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