Alyssa’s 10th Birthday

It’s our tradition to give one birthday present the morning of the birthday before heading out to school.  Once home from school, the rest are found hidden around the house by reading clues.  Alyssa’s favorite candy is cowtails, which aren’t too easy to find in stores.  She didn’t get any for Halloween, so we were sure to get her some for her birthday.



Dana and I met Alyssa at school for lunch.  We had McDonalds.



Opening gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Anderson

ImageOpening her gifts from MeganImage

Time for the gift hunt!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Alyssa chose to have her birthday dinner at the food court in the mall.  She loves the Teriyaki chicken samples the Chinese restaurant hands out as we walk by.  It worked out great for Megan who won’t eat Chinese food.  She got a kid’s meal from Subway.



Back home for her giant birthday cookie:


One comment on “Alyssa’s 10th Birthday

  1. Grandma Anderson says:

    What a fun birthday

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