American Girl Store Grand Opening

The girls were so excited for the grand opening of the new American Girl store at Easton that they were willing to wake up pretty early to ensure their entry that day.  The store was distributing tickets that placed you into a group specifying your entry time into the store.  We arrived at 7:30 am to get our admission tickets.  The tickets were distributed beginning at 8:00 am, and we were placed in group 5 allowing us entry into the store at it’s opening at 10:00 am.

Stage 1 (Waiting for our admission tickets):



stage 2 (Waiting for the store to open):










stage 3 (Browsing the store):





stage 4 (Leaving the store):


Duckling Rescue

A couple of weeks ago while playing dodgeball, Alyssa heard high pitched chirping coming from the sewer grate in our backyard.  As we gazed down, we saw 6 newborn ducklings swimming back and forth in the shallow water.  With the help of Uncle Rob, we were able to remove the ducklings from the sewer with makeshift nets.  It took about an hour and a half, but we got each and every one.  We weren’t successful, however in reuniting them with the mother duck, and therefore brought them to a wildlife rescue facility the next day. (But not before playing with them.)



After a short while, they began to bond with us, and even followed us around.



Libby was pretty curious of them too.



After speaking with the volunteer at the wildlife rescue facility, I was told not to handle the ducklings too much, and not to feed them.  Oops.  Now we know better for next time.

Green Machine

I had some store credit to use at Toys ‘R Us that was going to expire soon, and Alyssa had been asking for a Green Machine.  I had one when I was younger that my grandpa had salvaged from one of his apartment buildings when a tenant had moved out.  It was missing the seat, so he made a replacement one out of wood.  I remember how much fun I had riding it, despite how uncomfortable it was to sit on.  

The combination of it being on sale for 25% off at Toys ‘R Us, and that it had a posted weight limit of 180 pounds on the box (meaning I can ride it along with the kids!), outweighed the fact that it would take up valuable garage space – space that Dana and I had just cleared over Memorial Day weekend.  I just couldn’t pass up the chance to relive my childhood.

