Kings Island

Last Saturday we spent the day at Kings Island.  It was the first time that Megan was tall enough to ride many of the larger rides, so we were able to avoid the Planet Snoopy area all day!

Megan’s first time on the Beast:




Megan’s first time on Vortex (She is sitting next to Dana behind Jenna and Alyssa):



Drop Tower:



Bumper Cars:




Meeting Snoopy:



Sitting in stadium seats from Crosley Field in the Reds Hall of Fame Grill:



Megan’s second time on the Beast (You know she liked it simply because she was willing to wait in line for over an hour just to ride it again!):




Alyssa’s newest obsession is climbing.  When she gets home from school on Fridays, she can’t wait to ride her bike over to the “Dancing Hares” statue at the front of our neighborhood.  Two weeks ago she made it to a rabbit’s tail, and was so impressed with herself.  This week, she topped that by making it all the way up to the ears.  I told her that she is not allowed to climb any higher than that.ImageImageImageImage

This past Friday, where she made it up to the earsImageImage

After leaving “Bunny Hill”, we rode over to a park.  While playing on the playground equipment, Alyssa was excited to find a robin’s nest with three eggs in it .ImageImage