Where’s Yoda?


The other day while I was flipping through the channels, I came across “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. Alyssa got really interested in it, so I thought it would be fun to watch “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” for a movie night. I picked that movie because I thought the kids would like all of the action scenes. I forgot about how much darker that movie was than the others, and how much more violent, as well. Alyssa and Megan enjoyed the movie. Jenna said that all of the chase scenes went on too long, and she lost interest. The next night, Alyssa wanted to see another movie, so I chose “Star Wars”. I told the kids that the actor who played Indiana Jones is the same guy who is playing Han Solo. We had to watch the movie in two halves, because it was a school night. On the second night, the kids were anxious to see the second half, but then when it ended were disappointed that Yoda wasn’t in it. If that isn’t an excuse to watch “The Empire Strikes Back”, I don’t know what is.

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