OSU Basketball Game

Alyssa has been asking to go to an OSU basketball game for a while now. The final non-conference home game of the season was last Saturday, so I figured that would be our best bet at finding tickets. Megan, being the homebody that she is, decided that she didn’t want to go, which meant that either Dana or I wouldn’t be going either. If we had forced her to go, none of us would have had a good time. Dana decided to stay home with Megan, so that Jenna, Alyssa, and I could enjoy the game. Our seats were in the nosebleeds, and the game wasn’t even close from the start, but the girls had a great time nonetheless. The vouchers we received for free McDonald’s medium fries on our way out because the Buckeyes scored at least 70 points were icing on the cake.


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