Frog Jump – The Finals

Alyssa and Megan with their tickets to the finals:


Megan winning her semi finals round:


Alyssa also won her semi finals round:


Both Megan and Alyssa were eliminated in their next rounds. If they had won, they were guaranteed a trophy, along with a prize. They were pretty satisfied with their “consolation prizes”, though. Megan chose a bicycle, and Alyssa, an electronic dart board.


Some more pictures of the girls with their frogs:


Dublin Kiwanis Frog Jump

The object of the frog jump is to get your frog to jump outside of the outer circle without touching it. The kids can blow on the frog, and pound the ground near it, or even throw grass on the frog, but they are not allowed to have their knees leave the inner circle. After winning 3 preliminary rounds, you are onto the finals. This year the girls had a much better experience at the annual frog jump competition. Both Alyssa and Megan made it to the finals, and Jenna came extremely close.
Here, Megan is selecting her frog, and then beginning her race:


Alyssa’s strategy was to cover her frog with grass, and then scare the frog by blowing all the grass off of it. Last year, she was afraid to get near her frog. This year, she was actually handling it.


Jenna was strong right out of the gate. She whipped through the first two rounds, only to get beaten by one of the “pros” – a kid who brought his own frogs, which seemed trained.


Michael Jackson, The Experience on Wii

Lately, Jenna and Alyssa have been really into the Michael Jackson Experience Wii game. Jenna is actually pretty good at it. Here they are dancing to Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough.

Next they danced to Beat It.

Finally, here is Jenna dancing to her favorite, Thriller. She scores close to a perfect score every time she does this one.

Clap Out

All of the students, faculty and parents lined the hallway as the 5th graders walked down the hall. Everybody cheered and clapped for them on their second to last day ever in Washington Elementary School.


Jenna and her teacher, Mrs. Jenkins


Reds Game part 2

It was exciting to see the Reds play at night for the girls. They had only been to day games previously.


Even though we didn’t get back to Grandma and Grandpa Mason’s house until almost midnight, they were excited to return to Great American Ballpark the next day, where we met up with some friends.
