Hocking Hills

We went to Hocking Hills on Sunday to take advantage of the nice weather. We like to try to go every year when the leaves our changing.


Typically we go to Old Man’s Cave, but this year we spent a lot of our time at Rock House.


The end of the Fall Soccer Season

On the night of her final practice, Megan’s soccer team met at McDonald’s where her coach presented all of his players with matching team t-shirts. The girls took turns signing everyone’s shirt, and then made plans to wear them at their final game on Saturday.


Alyssa’s team had a party at her coaches house after her game, where everyone was presented a trophy.


Jenna’s team won it’s final game by a score of 2-0. Jenna scored each of her team’s goals. Her coach made her promise that she would be back to play in the Spring.


Hilliard Fall Festival

Yesterday we went to the Hilliard Fall Festival. The girls enjoyed playing games, jumping in bounce houses, and visiting treat stations. Here they are racing rubber duckies.


The Turtle Lady was at the festival with her usual assortment of reptiles and amphibians – this time in costume.


There was an Australian man with a 2-year old alligator that he let the kids hold. Jenna went first, of course, and Megan was second. As Alyssa was waiting next to the man for her turn, somebody started asking the man a lot of questions about his alligator. He asked if the alligator had teeth, and if it’s in the alligator’s nature to attack. The Australian man was honest with his answers. He told us that the alligator has several razor sharp teeth, and that in the wild, it wouldn’t hesitate to use them by lunging forward and clamping down. Once Alyssa heard that, she decided that she didn’t want to hold the alligator after all. The Australian man tried to reassure Alyssa that his alligator would never attack her because it is domesticated. He even went so far as to kiss the alligator on the lips. Nothing would sway Alyssa, though. He did finally persuade Alyssa to pet the alligator, and tried to trick her into holding it in the process, but she wasn’t falling for it.


paper cut

Megan showed me a paper cut on her middle finger just as I was dropping her off at school today. I was quite shocked to turn around and see my 5 year-old flipping me the bird, even though she has no idea what she was actually signaling.
