Soccer week 3

Of all weeks not to bring a camera to the girls’ soccer games! Megan scored her first goal; Alyssa was goalie for the first time; and Jenna’s team won 8 – 1 with Jenna scoring four of her team’s goals. I did, however, catch a few shots of Megan’s practice which lasted all of 10 minutes because of the torrential downpour. Her coach took a vote, and asked the 8 girls if they wanted to keep practicing, or call it a day. Only 3 girls wanted to continue practicing, Megan, of course was one of them.


Anniversary gift

September 20th was Dana and my 14th anniversary. Our gift to each other was a washer and dryer set (Yes, we’ve reached the point in our relationship where practicality wins out over sentimentality). She did, however, receive a dozen roses from me, as well. Anyway, I think Megan enjoyed the new appliances more than anyone else. She liked watching the clothes spin around, and for the first time in her life, showed an interest in doing laundry!


More soccer photos


During Jenna’s games, Alyssa and Megan like to roam around the other soccer fields, because they get bored watching her play. On this particular day, Megan returned to our spot with a small dog. She told us that it’s owner said it would be okay for her to take care of him for a while. We figured she had just dognapped the poor dog, because she loves playing with little dogs so much.


Jenna’s Birthday

We had a little fun on Jenna’s birthday. Each present she got contained a clue as to the whereabouts of her next present. They were hidden all over the house. My mom used to do this for me on my birthdays, and I always enjoyed it.


Here Jenna is opening her card which had the clue to her first present.


After finding the first present, she caught on pretty fast.


9/11 Memorial Walk

On Sunday, Jenna and Alyssa participated in a memorial walk as girl scouts. The walk started at the Hilliard Fire Station and went to the First Responders Memorial Park.


Once at the park, when the memorial service was over, we spent some time looking at the flagpole that was transported from the World Trade Center Site, as well as some of the actual beams from the towers.


Soccer season

Saturday was the start of soccer season for the fall. This year, all three girls play their games on the same day.


Jenna was still a bit groggy from lack of sleep due to her slumber party, but it was hard to tell once she started playing.
