Bunny Park

Megan’s daycare class took a field trip to Bunny Spray Park at the front of our neighborhood. Megan enjoyed spending time with her friends whom she hasn’t seen all summer, while Jenna and Alyssa just enjoyed cooling off from the 97 degree heat.


The Zoo

We went to the zoo over the weekend to see the 10 day old flamingos.


The touch pool at the aquarium:


Checking out the baby penguin:




Picnic with the Pops

We went to our first picnic with the pops concert over the weekend. It consists of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra performing an hour set, followed by another set with a guest musician, all at an outdoor theater, on the lawn. This night’s guest was Daryl Stuermer, the guitarist for Genesis and Phil Collins when they tour. I loved hearing Genesis music accompanied by a full orchestra, while the girls just enjoyed having a picnic, and playing in the grass.

